Health and wellness

Health is not merely living happily and wealthy, but it is to live life free of disease as well as Wellness is the integration of the various component related to mind and body like, mental, social, physical and spiritual aspects that expand one’s potential to live a quality life and work effectively to make a significant contribution to the society.

CSAGSS organizes health-related programs and projects to continue supporting community members to live a healthy and quality life. Some of the programs and projects like Activ8 4 Fitness, Diabetes literacy workshops, chronic pain self-management.

Health and Wellness Programs

Walking Club

CSAGSS launched a winter walking club, ‘Let’s Get Mornelle Moving,’ on December 11, 2014 in collaboration with Toronto Public Health to instill the significance of physical activity and exercise, promote healthy lifestyles, and reduce the risk of diabetes, heart disease and other health complications. Around 30 residents attended the launch event. CSAGSS continues to sustain the walking club by recruiting Health Champions as peer leaders from the community. CSAGSS has partnered with TPH in getting the Health Champions trained in health awareness and the use of monitoring devices, such as a pedometer. Evert year we organize this walking group during winter.

Diabetes Education Program

CSAGSS organizes diabetes clinic since 2014 in collaboration with various agency and community health center. Following are the topics covered:

Understanding Diabetes, Risk Identification, Range for Ideal Blood Sugar with or without Diabetes, Facts and

Myths about Diabetes Importance of Healthy Diet and Exercise, prevention, and Self-Management of diabetes.

Shape & Style

Evidence is presented that healthy self-esteem can lead to better health and social behavior and that poor self-esteem is associated with a broad range of mental disorders and social problems, both internalizing problems (for example, depression, suicidal tendencies, eating disorders and anxiety) and externalizing problems (for example, violence and substance abuse) We organize the various level of counseling session along with how can one keep themselves in the shape and remain healthy.

The Fun N Fit Bundle

This comprised of free, family-friendly 1-hour yoga, Zumba, and Taekwondo sessions, facilitated by certified yoga and Zumba instructors, and Black Belt instructors to support community to stay healthy and fit. Community members, including children and youth, were encouraged to participate in these sessions that aimed to introduce fun, easy and exciting forms of physical exercise, namely yoga, Taekwondo and Zumba that combine aerobic activity and breathing techniques with building flexibility, strength, balance, coordination, mental discipline, and overall personal awareness.

No prior experience with any of these fitness forms was necessary to participate. Children, teenagers, and adults, who were already practicing these fitness forms on their own.

Glimpses of our work